You want to know what really grinds my gears? One sentence email responses. (I put this one right up there next to receiving a gift wrapped in newspaper.)
You spend valuable time and effort writing your friend an email that's at least two paragraphs long, maybe more, explaining some interesting aspects of your life, like what happened during last Friday's date with Betty (that hot chick from accounting), or the prognosis of your aunt's intestinal infection, or your thoughts regarding this great Buddhist philosophy book you're reading and a couple days later you get a response from your friend who says, "i dunno maybe"
That's it! One line! Not only is the response a measly three words long, but your friend didn't even take the time to use capitalization and/or punctuation! Was my friend in such a hurry that they couldn't even use both hands to type the response? I could understand if maybe they just had a bike accident the day before and one of their arms was in a sling. But I don't know any of my friends to be in that much of hurry in general. In fact, most of my fiends are pretty laid back. Plus, if you're in such a hurry, why are you even checking your email? Get going! You're late!
Here's what I want: An email response that is comparable in length to the original email, capitalization of proper nouns and first words in a sentence, and periods at the ends of sentences. I can let comma misuse slide (our schools are so screwed up, I can't blame you for not knowing how to use a comma). I'll even forgive multiple exclamation marks or question marks on sentences that aren't questions.
I guess what I'm really asking for is that my email responders take their time after they click "reply." Slow down, think it through, and remember, this will all be on the test.
i may agree. maybe not? will respond later.
By the way, try as you might, but I will never reveal the identity of my one-armed emailing friend. Never!
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