Those of you who know me fairly well know that I am a casual gamer. I own an XBox 360 and a Nintendo Wii. Having to go to work AND keep a wife happy limits my time in front of the plasma saving the world from various villains and monsters. I have other hobbies, too, like bathing and teeth brushing. Regardless of the lack of time I have to play video games, there is a special place in my heart for them.
It's no secret that am a nerd at the core. I owned an Atari 2600, I played Dungeons & Dragons, I worship anything Star Wars, and I still laugh at The Simpsons no matter how many times I saw that episode. So this video game hobby that I try to nurture is nothing shocking. I've even managed to get Lynette into it with games like Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution and Animal Crossing.
With that said, I'd like to announce a new game: Bioshock. It releases on August 21. It is gearing up to be one of the greatest games ever. Early reviews are amazing. Here's a trailer for the game. Watch it. It looks amazing. It's not often I get excited about a game. I will definitely be purchasing this one and spending precious time playing it. Time I could be using to pay attention to my bride or washing dishes or going to work (Wait, what?) Just kidding. I'll still go to work.
Well, the little gamer boy speaks out!!! Lynette please be kind and patient with him for the first week of owning this game. After that week you can go back to treating him like the little boy he wants to be!
Dude, you need to check out Hellsgate:London, it's by the same people that brought you Diablo and Warcraft.
I can see the appeal of this game and why in the next week you will be reduced to a simple drooling bag of dogpoo waiting for your chance to destroy with extreme prejudice any beasties that happen across your path! Be sure to keep the thumb rested.
I'm all for gaming - Cooking Mama Cookoff anyone? But, knowing this game comes out exactly 5 days before we move - well, I just might go into "bioshock". Jas you know moving requires disconnecting the 360, right?
Something tells me the new shelves we're planning to put in the master bathroom will become "secondary."
I keed I keed.
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