Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Buses, Subways, and Hot Air Balloons

The bus was crowded this morning - Tuesday is the new Monday.  I was sitting next to a man who didn't yield much of the seat to accommodate the both of us.  I chose to endure the four minutes of discomfort and think happy thoughts (...pancakes, boobies, video games...) And then the man spoke.  To me. 

Startled because no one speaks to anyone on the bus lest they be categorized as a weirdie, I said, "What?"

And he said, "What's up with this music?" 

Then I realized the bus driver was listening to classical music.  (As opposed to being screamed at by blowhards opining on the trivialities of politics.)  And it was good.  In fact, I've never had a more relaxed four minute ride to the Metro station in my life! 

Noticing that my large seat companion had a slight southern drawl to his dialect, I said, "At least it ain't country." 

The man never spoke to me again. 

Lesson learned: One stupid opinion does not beget another stupid opinion.  A wise man would have kept his mouth shut.  I'm weak, yet satisfied with my cleverness. 

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