Thursday, February 5, 2009

How's Your News? SUNDAY NIGHT!

There is a new show on MTV called How's Your News? It's a show where people travel around the country interviewing interesting people and spotlighting interesting places. Just another news magazine type of show? Hardly. The difference here is that all the reporters and most of the crew have developmental, mental, and/or physical disabilities.

I read about this show this morning in the Washington Post. LINK. Rather than rewrite what the Post said, I urge you to read the review.

Also, Boing Boing has a nice piece about the show with a fairly long video preview of the show HERE.

But be warned, this ain't a show where we get to laugh at the retards. On the contrary, either the joke is on us (non-disabled, a loaded word that I hate using), or we are taught that sometimes it's OK to laugh at somebody when the result doesn't belittle or insult the person we're laughing at.

Those of you who know me know I've been working with people with developmental disabilities for a long time. The subject of equal rights and dignity are very close to my heart.

As it's noted on Boing Boing, the fact that this show is being aired on MTV and not PBS or Discovery Health is monumental.

And one of the best interviews in the world (because these are the questions we really want answered!)

1 comment:

Lynette said...

I can't wait for Sunday now! This show is great.