Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I love cereal. (I would die for you, Cereal.)

I woke up early enough this morning to eat a bowl of Coco-Krispies. Those little bastards have been calling my name ever since we brought them home from the food store.

I began reading a new book (as recommended by my good friend Elizabeth)...

I'm only a few chapters in and I have already been frightened and heartbroken. I am engrossed.

High praise for multi-grain spaghetti. Had some last night. (Thumb is up.) I use sauce from a jar, but add 1/2 pound of turkey meat and sprinkle some fennel seeds throughout.

I haven't told her yet, but when my wife randomly picks up the guitar and plays for a few minutes in the living room, I imagine this is what it sounds like when an angel visits.


Chris said...

Told ya the book is awesome! I just started the Name of the Wind yesterday and so far so good.

Lynette said...

That's so sweet. Now if that angel could just teach me the chord progression to my favorite Son Volt song, I'd be set.