Thursday, December 30, 2010

Days Off

I've been home all week on vacation.  When asked if I was getting a lot done around the house I said no.  I have been watching TV and playing video games.  This is exactly what I envisioned when I decided to take the week after Christmas off.  I feel no amount of guilt for not "doing things around the house."  Also, I've been wearing the same pair of sweat pants and flannel shirt all week, too.

For the record, I drove a approximate total of 2,000 miles during Christmas this year.  It's not like I didn't earn this week of slothfulness.

Yes, I've been showering.  And going to the gym.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

For the record I wasn't the one who asked if you were getting things done around the house (cue conversation with your Mom.)

...cause you did take out the garbage oh and drove me across the country while you had bronchitis. You are free to roam naked this week for all I care.
