Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Welcome Back, Workers

Three-day weekend's over. Get back to work!

The start of summer indeed. I had a glorious weekend. The weather couldn't have been nicer. And we painted the kitchen. Granted, I have to re-do the trim, but over all I'd say it was a success. We're definitely motivated and inspired to paint more of the house.

Saturday night we took Leia over to a friend's house for a bbq. It was her first official field trip considering every other time she's gotten into a car a major life change occurred.

Yesterday we went to the pool. It was the first weekend it was open and we joined what seemed like thousands of other people to take in the frigid water and skin-blistering Sun. My ankles are sunburned. I honestly cannot remember the last time I simply lounged by a swimming pool. The water was uncomfortably frigid, but it'll warm up as the summer progresses. It was truly a very relaxing, peaceful day.

Later, we attended another bbq in the courtyard of our building. I played badmitten. Many jokes we made regarding shuttlecocks.

In the end, quite a successful weekend was had. Aside from the painting, which was pleasantly rewarding, it felt like we went on a three-day vacation. I predict trips to the pool happening every weekend. And more walls getting painted. And my pale torso turning ... less pale.

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