Monday, March 1, 2010

PS3 users hit by bug which wipes trophies and PSN data

ELECTRONICS giant Sony has been forced to apologise after a major fault affected thousands of Playstation 3 owners today.

Gamers around the world reported problems with the Playstation Network online service on their PS3, which has left them unable to play games and in some cases deleted or damaged achievements and trophies saved on the machines.

It is thought the problem may be down to a problem with the internal clock or calendar in the machines, as it has manifested itself with the change of the month.

The fault, which only affects owners of the 'chunky' older PS3 models as opposed to the more recent 'slim' versions. Users report seeing an error message that reads: "8001050F – Hardware failure. Cannot update Firmware or connect to internet".

Afterwards it was found that they are unable to access or play games or content downloaded from the PlayStation Network, and find existing data has been damaged or wiped.

"We have narrowed down the issue and have engineers working to restore service," Sony admitted.

"We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, and genuinely appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this."



Cooper Family said...

and yet the world continues to spin on its axis...

JC said...

Pfft. For you maybe. Good thing It got fixed quickly or else we were gonna burn this mother down!

Lynette said...

Sadly it's true, Max. You didn't witness the "clearing of the coffee table" incident. If one goes down, we all go, right?

It was pretty facinating to google Jason's anger and find that coffee tables were being cleared around the world...way to go Sony.