Monday, October 4, 2010

The Obscene Angel

There's a sticker on my car that says, "Virginia is for Lovers."  I'm no expert, but based on my experience, 'tis true.  But the other day while walking the three city blocks to the Metro station I spotted a small, black sticker affixed to a lamp post at 15th and K Street that read, "DC is for Fuckers."

That little, inconspicuous, vulgar sticker made me smile.  Sometimes humor finds us.  Sometimes funny moments occur when we least expect them.  This ain't no special revelation, I know, but I appreciate the reminder and therefore felt compelled to pass it along.

I think there are times in our lives when we search for novel, shiny ideas when an oldie-but-goodie would suffice.  I think there are times when hearing what you already know is comforting.  I know this sweater vest looks good, but it feels great to hear someone else confirm it.  I know everything will be okay, but doesn't having someone else affirm it feel like we're all going to win the Super Bowl?

I am grateful for moments that lift me away from my daily walk to the Metro station.  My only wish is that we all come across something in our day that makes us smile when we typically don't.  Imagine the wars we could have avoided if we would have covertly infiltrated faraway lands with funny stickers.

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