Friday, November 14, 2008

President Pizza

Mr. President,

Please force them to open up shop in your new neighborhood. Please. The pizza here sucks. It's sad because the people who live here have no idea. I'm sure ignorance is bliss, but dammit I miss pizza.

BTW, I'm being serious. There is not ONE pizza place here that can make anything resembling pizza. It's all shit (sorry, but I think the s-word is in order.)

Obama's favorite pie


Elwood said...

I like Gino's East better.

Now I've found the one thing I disagree with Obama on.

Lynette said...

I'm prayin' we get a Chicago pizza chain to open here! That would be so cool. People will be like, "Pizza cut in squares? Whatever." And I'll be like, "yessssssssssssssss."