Monday, November 22, 2010

Give Thanks, Yo.

Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching like neighbors who see you walking your dog 300 yards away and you don't really want to talk to them but it's too late because they saw that you saw them and so you put on your closed-mouth smile and ravage your brain for more folksy things to say.
Just kidding - I love Thanksgiving. The food is a no-brainer, but I really do like commemorating the act of being thankful. As a species, we don't do it enough.

Here's my 2010 list of things I am thankful for:

  • My beautiful, funny Lynette
  • My soft, aloof Leia
  • My cozy, comfortable home
  • My quiet, safe neighborhood
  • My trustworthy, accepting friends
  • My refreshing, enlightening church
  • My loving, far-away family
I am truly blessed and thankful for everything I have in my life and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for this fortuitous life.

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