Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Kinected my knee!

Over the Thanksgiving weekend I had the pleasure of playing with the new Xbox Kinect.  Ultimately, the Kinect is awesome, but there are a few hang ups that bothered me.  First, you need a lot of space in front of your TV for this thing to work.  Second, you need a lot of space vertically in front of your TV.  (There a few chunks missing from my dad's basement ceiling tiles from many overhead beach volleyball spikes.)  Third, the voice recognition is iffy.  Fourth, many of the games suck.

Like I said, in the end this this is great family fun.  I played beach volleyball with my brother (which is currently the best game I played on Kinect thus far) and  my dad boxed against my nephew which was hilarious to watch. I would have liked to play Dance Central after seeing so many commercials for it.

As far as the market goes, kiss the Wii goodbye.  And Playstation's Move hasn't got much of a chance either since both require players to hold controllers.  This holiday season it's all about using your body as the controller and Microsoft has hit a home run with some truly innovative concepts.  I especially liked manipulating the Xbox dashboard with my hand and voice as opposed to pushing buttons like a butt sniffing caveman.  And I'm curious about the exercising games that will eventually sprout up for the Kinect.  Speaking of exercise, playing the Kinect left me both sweaty and out of breath.  Hard core gamers obviously will hate it, but it definitely gets kids moving.  The only thing better would be actually going outside to kick a soccer ball around the yard.

Also, I hurt my knee playing it, so if you're old and/or out of shape be careful, you turkey.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

I love your blog.