Thursday, January 13, 2011

I hereby withdraw my name for consideration

The floating adventures I envisioned for myself as I aged rarely included much room for political discourse, angry or otherwise.  And yet I find myself becoming more and more frustrated with other people's political opinions and statements.  I find myself casting judgment onto people for stating an opinion which is just as misinformed as my judgment of that person.  

How did I get to a point in my life where I gave a shit about this meaningless name-calling?  When I lived in Illinois and wrote poetry my worries were mostly relational, sexual and/or artistic.  I had opinions about films and music, never about men in suits blathering about ideologies.  These men in suits never fully represented me.  And I didn't represent them.  And all was good in the world.

Is my proximity to the epicenter of American politics to blame?  Is the internet and its rush to inform me of every political gaffe to blame?  This new culture of anonymity has brought the worst out of humanity. 

I don't like myself when I'm degrading people politically.  I have fallen into the trap of us vs. them.  Our country has been divided and conquered by the very men in suits who purport to "do what's best for us."  The business of infighting is booming.  

I choose not to listen.  I'm turning the channel.  I'm shutting my mouth.  I'm walking away. I hope people see me as a beacon of peace.  I hope people see me as a lover of truth and beauty.  It's the world I need to create for my son.    

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