Monday, February 28, 2011


In 1994, I started smoking.  I was in college and smoking made me look cool.  Who could blame me?  Actually, Lynette was a smoker and I started smoking to be more like her.  Unfortunately, I became addicted and my habit grew to two packs per day.  Goals were made to quit smoking, but it never happened.  I smoked in the morning while drinking coffee; I smoked at night while drinking beer; I smoked while playing online backgammon; I smoked after sex; I smoked before sex; I smoked during movies; I smoked while driving; and I smoked outside of office buildings.  I even had a personalized Zippo lighter with my initials engraved on it. 

Then I quit.  Cold turkey.  Without telling Lynette.  I wanted to make sure I was going to be successful before announcing to everyone that I was quitting because nothing is more annoying than the person who keeps "quitting" and bumming smokes off you all the time. 

So today is my five year anniversary of quitting smoking.  A decision that has saved me thousands of dollars, not to mention years to my life.  And now that I am going to be a father, well, logic prevails. 

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