Monday, June 7, 2010

En Cueros

This morning there was a large number of people waiting for the morning metro train. Not usual. I got on the train when it arrived and had to stand. Not usual. I was tired because I went to bed late last night and I didn't feel like standing all the way to work. Plus, I wanted to read my new book. So I got off the train at the next stop and took my chances hoping that the next train was less full. And I was right. And it only cost me five minutes. THAT'S how cool I was this morning.

Later, a bird hit me in the face. Given that there were hundreds of people around I don't think a single person saw it happen. If I taught you anything, if no one knows it happened then it didn't happen.

Maybe hit is not the right word. It was more of a graze. But still! No touching, Birds!


Lucky1304 said...

WE HAVE A PACT! A PACT! (name that show)

Lynette said...

When did this bird thing happen? eeeeewwwww